Our fruits, which farmers have grown with great passion as if they were their own children, will bring delicious smiles to your face and those of your loved ones. Japanese fruits of excellent quality and unapparelled safety are filled with love and foster happiness in those who eat them.

Secrets of

You can't resist eating them after just one bite! Check out their secrets!
Why are they
so sweet ?
That’s because farmers trim the branches so the peaches get lots of sunshine and nutrients. This makes them grow sweet and yummy, and which is why you can’t stop smiling when you eat one! And here’s a TOP secret: The bottom of the peach is sweeter than the stem side!

Why does it smell
so good ?
That’s because their sweet smell is a sign that the peach is just right to eat! Farmers pick them carefully at the perfect time so they are ripe and ready when they reach you. That’s why each sniff and bite of these delicious peaches brings a big smile to your face!

Why are they
so beautiful ?
That’s because farmers cover the peaches with special bags to care for them. The bags protect the fruits from strong sunlight and bugs, helping them grow with a beautiful, even color. That’s what makes you smile when you see them!

- Japan has four seasons and an abundance of nature. A wide variety of fruit and vegetables are grown each season thanks to clean, fresh water and the passion of dedicated farmers. This site will reveal the secrets to Japan’s delicious fruit and why it brings smiles to everyone. Enjoy Japanese fruit and vegetables with your family and loved ones!
- This "Japan-grown Fruit" label is a branding label issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. It is used only for Japan-grown fruit and vegetables meeting the strictest of quality standards.