Our fruits, which farmers have grown with great passion as if they were their own children, will bring delicious smiles to your face and those of your loved ones. Japanese fruits of excellent quality and unapparelled safety are filled with love and foster happiness in those who eat them.

Secrets of

They are like a bunch of sweet gems! Check out their secrets!
Why are they
so sweet ?
That's because farmers carefully hand-pick the grapes and use special techniques like ”pruning” and ”thinning.” This makes sure each grape has enough space and nutrients to grow into large, sweet grapes. That's why they're so delicious, and make you so smiley-happy!

Why are they
so easy to eat ?
One reason is that they are seedless. Not all grapes are seedless, but these types are super popular. Farmers use special methods to make sure the grapes grow without any seeds. This makes the grapes easier for everyone to eat, and that’s why you can’t stop smiling while you enjoy them!

Why are they
so plump ?
That’s because their skin is thin and they’re packed with juicy pulp inside. Many types of these plump grapes can be eaten with the skin on. Farmers work hard and pay close attention to grow them delicious, even with the skin on. When you bite into one, the skin pops crisply, and a burst of sweet juice fills your mouth. It’s so yummy, it’ll definitely make you smile!

- Japan has four seasons and an abundance of nature. A wide variety of fruit and vegetables are grown each season thanks to clean, fresh water and the passion of dedicated farmers. This site will reveal the secrets to Japan’s delicious fruit and why it brings smiles to everyone. Enjoy Japanese fruit and vegetables with your family and loved ones!
- This "Japan-grown Fruit" label is a branding label issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. It is used only for Japan-grown fruit and vegetables meeting the strictest of quality standards.